Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Mother's Day

Dear Friends,
Wow, finally got the chance to take a breath and get a email out about our new "honor" cards for mother's day. The cards are beautiful, our artist Patrick North did a great job on the design. You can check the cards out on the "buy" page of our newly redesigned website, also designed by Patrick.

I'm evaluating several upcoming solar distributions. The requests for light always out weigh our budget. 
Our partners in India, Afghanistan, and Rwanda continue to need our solar lights and there are new requests to partner with programs in Tanzania and possibly Haiti.  The need for solar light in the developing world continues to grow.  I understand that the economy makes it difficult for many people to continue to support us much as they would like to. 
As we receive the funds we will get the lights out there, this is my commitment.

Continued gratitude to all of you who support 50 Lanterns in your thoughts, prayers and funding.

Peace and many blessings,

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