It's been a while since I've posted, sorry I've been out of touch for so long.
It was a wonderful, but busy summer.
First Kelly and I took the plunge...literally. We had a beautiful ceremony at one of our favorite places, our friend Carrie's cabin on the shores of Ann Lake in Mora, Minnesota with a few close friends and family in attendance to bless us.
So now it's time to get back to work. I'm off next week to Tanzania where I'll be doing a distribution of our solar BoGo lights to women and children. Our partner for this distribution is "The Image Project" a non-profit that empowers Maasai girls and women through education and economic opportunities. Deb Pangrel, the Executive Director of Image project contacted Fifty Lanterns earlier this year with a request for lighting help and we're happy to be able provide some lights. While in Tanzania I'll also be assessing the needs for further distributions and lighting opportunities.
From Tanzania I'll head to Rwanda where I'll meet up with Sam Dargen our solar pro. We'll be partnering with American Refugee Committee to light a clinic/hospital in Nyebehki refugee camp with solar light. This is a very exciting project for us as it's the first time we're lighting buildings with panels. It's been over two years of planning and we're confident that the installation will be very successful and help redirect funds that would go to fuel for the generator as well as provide consistent light for the doctors and patients.
While in Rwanda I'll also be visiting our coffee farmers for another solar lantern distribution.
This will be our third distribution with the farmers. We're so proud to be able to continue this partnership along with the help of Tim Shilling of the Spread Project, and Greg Hoyt from Bull Run roasters.
This distribution is possible through the sales of our fabulous Rwandan coffee, so drink up and
please continue to order our great coffee !
Peace to all,